Kurt Perez , Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024

Kurt Perez

Kurt Perez is a young man who has accomplished a lot in his 27 years of life. Born on December 1, 1997, in the Philippines, Kurt is the youngest of three children. He grew up in a loving family and studied at Angelicum College before migrating to Australia. In Brisbane, he pursued his passion for accounting and is currently completing his Master’s degree in data science.

Despite his young age, Kurt has already made a name for himself in the business world, with a successful career and a growing net worth. Standing at an impressive height, Kurt is not only tall in stature but also in achievements. Keep reading to learn more about Kurt Perez’s journey to success.

Who is Kurt Perez?

Kurt Perez is a person who comes from a place called the Philippines. He was born in a city named Cabanatuan. Imagine it like the city where you live, but it’s far away across the ocean. Kurt has a mom named Arlene and a dad named Erwin, and he also has two brothers or sisters, making them a family of five.

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When he was younger, he went to a school called Angelicum College, kind of like the school you go to learn new things. After some time, Kurt decided to move to a place called Australia, which is another country far away. There, he went to school again to learn about numbers in accounting, and now he’s learning even more cool stuff about data science.

Data science is a way to learn from information, almost like being a detective but with numbers and facts. Kurt is working hard and learning a lot, and he’s doing some pretty amazing things even though he’s not much older than your big brother or sister.

Kurt Perez


Nationality Filipino
Estimate Net Worth $5 million
Religion Christianity
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Birthplace Cabanatuan, Philippines
Birthday December 01, 1997

Real Name

Kurt Perez might sound like a name from a storybook, but it’s actually his real name! Just like you have a name that your parents picked out for you when you were born, Kurt’s mom and dad chose his name too. His full name is Kurt Isaiah Perez.

It’s a special name that belongs to him and tells people who he is. Just like your name is special to you and helps everyone know who you are. So, when you hear the name Kurt Perez, you’ll know it’s not just any name, it’s his real name!

Early Life and Education

Kurt Perez grew up as the youngest kid in his family, which means he had a brother or sister to play with and learn from. He lived in a place called the Philippines, which is full of beautiful islands. Kurt went to a school named Angelicum College, where he learned about lots of interesting things, just like you do at your school.

After he grew up, he decided to go on a big adventure to a place called Australia to learn even more, especially about numbers in accounting and data science, which is like being a numbers detective. Kurt loves learning and exploring new things!

Parents and Siblings

Kurt Perez has a mom named Arlene and a dad named Erwin. He also has two brothers or sisters, making his family kind of like a team. Imagine having a team at home where everyone learns and plays together. Just like your family, they have fun, share stories, and take care of each other.

Kurt’s mom and dad helped him become the smart person he is today, and his brothers or sisters were his first friends to play with. Every family, like a puzzle, fits together perfectly, and Kurt’s family is just like that – special in their own way.

Wife and Girlfriend

Kurt Perez is still on a big adventure in his life, learning lots of new things and meeting new people. Just like how some stories have princes looking for princesses, Kurt’s story about having a wife or girlfriend hasn’t been written yet.

Right now, he’s focusing on being the best he can be and achieving his dreams. Imagine going on your favorite adventure and meeting all kinds of friends along the way. That’s what Kurt is doing, and who knows? Maybe one day, there will be a new chapter in his story about love.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Kurt Perez is like the older kids you might see around, but he’s special because he’s 27 years old! That means he’s much older than a 7-year-old, and he’s been around long enough to learn lots of cool stuff. When it comes to how tall he is, imagine standing next to a really tall friend; that’s kind of like standing next to Kurt because he’s pretty tall.

Kurt Perez

His height is 5 feet and 10 inches and weight is round about 60kg. When you look at Kurt, you’d see someone who smiles a lot and looks happy, kind of like when you feel good about solving a puzzle or helping a friend. He has hair that sits on his head just right, and when he walks into a room, he looks confident, like a superhero.

Imagine having a friend who’s always ready for an adventure, and that’s what Kurt looks like. He dresses in clothes that make him look smart because he’s learning so much about numbers and data science. So, even without a cape, Kurt is kind of like a superhero for learning and exploring!

Career of Kurt Perez

Kurt Perez is kind of like a superhero in the world of numbers and information. After he went to big school to learn about accounting, which is a way to keep track of money and make sure everything adds up, he decided to become even smarter.

Now, he’s learning about data science, which is like using a magic key to unlock secrets hidden in numbers. Kurt is working hard, almost like he’s on a treasure hunt, finding out new things that can help businesses and people. He hasn’t finished his adventure yet, but he’s already doing amazing things with what he’s learning!

Before fame Kurt Perez

Before he became known for his love of numbers and going on a big adventure to Australia, Kurt Perez was just a kid growing up in a beautiful place full of islands called the Philippines. He liked playing games, maybe like the ones you play, and learning new things at a school named Angelicum College.

Kurt always enjoyed discovering how things work, kind of like when you wonder why the sky is blue or how birds fly. This curiosity helped him dream big dreams, leading him on the journey to where he is now.

Nationality and Ethnicity of Kurt Perez

Kurt Perez comes from a place with lots of islands called the Philippines, making him Filipino. It’s like how some people might come from big cities or snowy places; where you come from is a big part of your story.

After living in the Philippines, he moved to Australia, adding Australian to his story too. So, Kurt has two countries in his heart. Imagine having your favorite ice cream flavors mixed together; that’s kind of like Kurt’s mix of backgrounds, making him unique and special.

Social Media Presence

Kurt Perez likes to share parts of his adventure online, just like how you might share a drawing or story with your friends. On places called social media, where people can post pictures and stories, Kurt shows what he’s learning and the fun things he’s doing in Australia.

Imagine having a magic book where you can see what your friends far away are up to; that’s what social media is for Kurt. He uses it to keep in touch with friends and family back home and to make new friends on his journey.

Net Worth and Achievement

Kurt Perez is like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, he’s finding success with his learning. Think of a net worth like a piggy bank; some people have really big piggy banks because they’ve saved a lot of money. Kurt is working towards filling his piggy bank by learning a lot about numbers and data. His net worth is aproximately $5 million.

He’s not done yet, but every day he’s getting closer to finding more treasures. Plus, he’s already started making his mark by being really smart in school and on his way to doing big things. It’s like he’s on a quest, and every quest has its rewards!

Legacy and Impact of Kurt Perez

Even though Kurt Perez is still young and has many adventures ahead, he’s starting to leave little footprints behind that show where he’s been and what he’s learned. Imagine drawing in wet sand and leaving a trail that others can see and follow. Kurt’s hard work in learning about numbers and sharing his journey with others is like those drawings.

It shows everyone, even kids, that being curious and working hard can lead to doing great things. Just like heroes in stories who help people, Kurt’s story might inspire someone else to learn and dream big too!

Hobbies of Kurt Perez

  •  Kurt loves exploring outside, like going on a treasure hunt in the park.
  •  He enjoys reading books about adventures and heroes, getting lost in magical stories.
  •  Drawing pictures is another fun hobby, making colorful art of places he dreams to visit.
  •  Playing games with friends, whether it’s board games or outside games, is something Kurt always looks forward to.
  • Kurt also likes learning cool new things on the computer, just like a detective solving puzzles.

Favorite Thing of Kurt Perez

  •  Playing with puzzles that make him think hard.
  •  Watching stars at night, imagining stories about space.
  •  Eating ice cream, mixing all his favorite flavors together.
  •  Listening to music that makes him feel like he’s on an adventure.
  •  Drawing maps of places he dreams of exploring one day.

Interesting Facts About Kurt Perez

  •  Kurt was born in a city filled with stories, Cabanatuan.
  •  He once went to school just like you, learning every day.
  •  Australia is now his home, where he keeps learning cool stuff.
  •  He’s a bit of a number wizard, diving deep into data science.
  •  Kurt’s name, Isaiah, means something special, just like yours does to you.
  •  He loves adventures, whether in books, games, or the great outdoors.
  •  Dreaming big is his superpower, aiming to make the world of numbers and data an exciting place for discoveries.


Where is Kurt from?

Kurt is from a place with lots of islands called the Philippines.

What does Kurt study?

Kurt learns about numbers in accounting and secrets in data science.

Does Kurt have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, Kurt has two siblings, which means he’s not the only kid in his family.

Where does Kurt live now?

Kurt went on a big adventure and now lives in a place called Australia.

What does Kurt like to do for fun?

He loves going on outside adventures, reading cool stories, and playing games with friends.


Kurt Perez is like a superhero from a story, exploring big adventures with numbers and learning in a faraway place called Australia. He shows us that with curiosity and hard work, anyone can achieve their dreams.

Just like in a magical story, Kurt’s journey is filled with learning, adventures, and the promise of more exciting chapters ahead. Remember, just like Kurt, you can find treasures in learning and dreaming big, turning your own story into an amazing adventure.


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